Sunday, December 27, 2015

Last Year's Wishes

So, 2016 is right around the corner, and I'm thinking I NEVER do New Year's resolutions because who honestly keeps them? Lose weight, be nicer, etc. 


I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my life, and to be honest, 2015 has been a pretty cruddy year. Don't get me wrong, lots of fun things have happened; Fall Out Boy concert in Vegas with my best friends, seeing Tyler Ward live, starting a new job. Things like that have been great, but what have I done with my time?

I'm converting my blog into something of a reflection board. Every week I will post about my adventures because I am going to do New Year's resolutions. (Plus this will keep me accountable.) So here they are.

1.) I will not use social media for one year.

Crazy right?! And by the way, this blog doesn't count. I'm talkin Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Yup. They are all going away. I spend WAAAAY too much time on them comparing my life to someone else's and I want to LIVE my life. I'm actually really excited. I'll turn off my accounts for a year and see what happens!

2.) I will go on one date a month. 

So, this one is a little sensitive for me. I have been on a grand total of 9 dates my entire 4-5 years of dating. Never held hands, never kissed anyone, and never really had good experiences with dates. I've had good times but being home for one year after living in Pittsburgh, I'm ready for a change. I know I'll be asking a lot of boys on dates, (12 to be exact) but I'm excited to see who I get to meet. I'm not anticipating this going anywhere, but hopefully I can meet some new people in the process. 


3.) I will do one new thing every day.

That's 365 NEW things I get to experience. Now, some of this will take planning, and some will be spur of the moment. I am just tired of sitting around saying I never do anything fun. There is so much to do and see in this world, and I'm going to enjoy it. I'm 21 years old for crying out loud. I have minimal bills, going to school and working. I gotta live a little. And my best friends have agreed to go on adventures with me. I am really psyched about this. 

So here is to a brand new year of adventures and excitement. 


"It took me so long to do so many important things, it's so hard to accept that I spent so many years being less happy than I could have been."
Pam Halpert